Last March, on the 21st and 22nd, the first meeting between partners who are part in the third phase of MISTIC SEAS project took place in Brussels.
MISTIC SEAS 3, “Developing a coordinated approach for assessing Descriptor 4 via its linkages with D1 and other relevant descriptors in the Macaronesian sub-region for the second cycle of Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD)” is the follow-up of MISTIC SEAS I and II, which worked to establish a standard methodology in the Azores, Madeira and Canary Islands for monitoring marine mammals, turtles and seabirds. This new period is focused on Descriptor 4 of MSFD “food webs”, and seeks to define a common approach in Macaronesian sub-region and strengthen the cooperation with other sub-regions.
With this meeting the works of the third phase have begun, which will last two years (2019-2021), and is structured in 6 workpackages; in each of them, there is a leader partner, who is in charge of managing and overseeing a joint of agreed tasks.
Furthermore, in the project framework, 4 seminars are expected where technicians and experts will share their results, difficulties and will seek synergies with the other partners.
MISTIC SEAS III is 80 % co-financed by the European Union, coordinated by FRCT (Regional Fund for Science and Technology), in which DRAM (Regional Directorate for Maritime Affairs), SRA (Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Natural Resources), ARDITI (Regional Agency for the Development of Research Technology and Innovation), DGRM (Directorate-General for Natural Resources, Safety and Maritime Services), FB (Biodiversity Foundation), IEO (Spanish Institute of Oceanography) , DGSCM-SGPM (Directorate General for Sustainability of the Coast and Sea) and CSIC (Higher Council for Scientific Research) are engaged.