The MISTIC SEAS 2 project “Applying a subregional coherent and coordinated approach to the monitoring and assessment of marine biodiversity in Macaronesia for the second cycle of the MSFD” is the continuation of the MISTIC SEAS project. In the first part of the project, work was carried out on developing a methodology for monitoring the biodiversity descriptor in the sub-region of Macaronesia, focusing on the populations of three functional groups of species common to the archipelagos of the sub-region (Azores, Madeira and Canary Islands).
MISTIC SEAS 2 is taking place within the framework of the second cycle of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. It has the objective of implementing the methodologies designed in the first part of the project and coordinating the development of these methodologies through the undertaking of joint monitoring programmes. These programmes will provide the data necessary to determine the environmental status of the waters, marine mammals, turtles and seabirds in Macaronesia.
The project will be executed between March 2017 and March 2019. It has a total budget of €1.3 million and is 80% co-funded by the European Commission.
The project is organized in five Workpackages, which respond to call requirements, namely:
WP1 - Monitoring Programs & Data Gathering (Leader - DRAM)
Task 1.1. Pilot Monitoring Projects Sea Birds
A) Abundance of breeding seabirds
B) Seabirds breending success
C) Seabirds survival
Task 1.2. Pilot Monitoring Projects Marine Mammals & Marine Turtles
A) Abundance of oceanic Cetaceans & Loggerhead Census Marine Turtles
B and C) Abundance and demography of coastal cetaceans & Loggerheard capture and sampling
D) Stranding of cetaceans and Stranding of marine turtles
WP2 - Towards a coherent update of initial assessment, GES and targets (Leader - MAPAMA)
Task 2.1. Update of the Initial Assessment
Task 2.2. Finding common GES definition and Environmental Targets for the Macaronesia
WP3 - Risk assessment and preparing next steps of the 2nd Cycle (Leader - DGRM)
Task 3.1. Risk assessment
Task 3.2. Monitoring Programs Review
Task 3.3. Programs of Measures
WP4 - Dissemination (Leader - FBIO)
Task 4.1. Updating and implementation communication plan & MISTIC webpage
Task 4.2. Awareness raising and environmental education
WP5 - Coordination (Leader - FRCT)
Task 5.1. Management quality system
Task 5.2. Kick of Meeting
Task 5.3. Final Meeting
Task 5.4. Steering Committee